Freedom Income Replacement Experiment 🔥🔥🔥

An invitation for the men of action here


(if you’re a habitual tire kicker who only looks but never commits, this isn’t for you)


👉 Join the free FIRE community group

when you’re in a comfortable job you hate, it's like you are in a prison you don’t even know you’re in…


👉 Sign up to escape

I call this condition the Six-figure Straitjacket™ 


You might recognize it by the tension between the esteem of your corporate job and the secret anger, resentment and hate…

With its big paydays that cost your personal life even greater…

Or, the golden handcuffs intentionally designed to trap you in comfort and luxuries afforded by your high-paying career despite a deep feeling like you’re meant for more…

All the while wondering if this is really my purpose

Truthfully, few escape

Do you know this particular kind of pain?

  • It’s the feeling of suffering in silence because you were taught that men don’t show their emotions or talk about their feelings, so you numb them all away in a downward spiral of stress, overwork and exhaustion until you pick your pleasure poison of alcohol and porn to escape the cheap facsimile of the life you really want
  • It’s the heartbreak of never being able to look at yourself in the mirror because deep down, you don’t even know who you are anymore – and now you resent yourself and everyone around you for becoming one of the boring grownups you pinky swore to your childhood bestfriend you’d never become
  • It’s the gut-check moment when you finally said “no”, taking a stand for yourself, set clear boundaries and made time to find direction and purpose in your life because you can no longer ignore the deep feeling like you’re meant for more – and found your freedom in a mission-based and service-oriented life
  • It’s the pain of desperately wanting to tell your boss fuck you, I quit, but you’re secretly overleveraged living paycheck to paycheck despite earning a six-figure salary, hemoraging from the burden of your mortgage, car, boat, and other shiny shit you bought that you thought would make you happy – living the "white-picket-fence American Dream" that isn’t even your dream life

I know you've worked really hard to get where you are and no doubt you've earned it, but I also know how much you desperately want change because I've been in this exact trap. Twice.

life changes TODAY,
or never


Join the free Facebook community where every couple of days, you’ll get a different technique, tip, insight, or story to identify your WISH wildly inspired side hustle that allows you to gradually, safely, and predictably replace your corporate income from the job you hate and bridge yourself to time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom.

It's a community of men in their 30's and 40's who are committed to making meaningful changes in their lives and looking for guidance on how to align their work with their true purpose. It's about experimenting without the fear of failure or the pressure of success until you are so profitable that you have to fire yourself from the corporate desk job you're currently chained to.

it's all leading to a big virtual training on Nov. 16, 12pm CT 


Inside the group you'll find the progression videos and you will receive the Zoom link and all the details needed for the event

👉 Join our community

About us

You know how over 80% of people are bored and disengaged with their jobs – with truself, men shed layers of patterns, conditioning and limiting beliefs so they can have time freedom, location freedom and financial freedom while living in alignment with their purpose.

Our most meaningful work is to help men bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be … enabling their unique vision of FREEDOM. That’s our jam, that’s our purpose, that’s what we live for … is to do this, and we love this work through virtual group programs and leading-edge wilderness retreats.

Our programs and methods create rare, unique, protected spaces for individual growth and expansion for people who have calls to actions embedded within them. 

Together we make daily progress towards worthwhile, impossible dreams through a level of personalized support that cannot be found anywhere else – you cannot get it from a book – you cannot get it from simply consuming videos or podcasts. It’s an environment of collaboration and a co-creation.

We're so glad you're here.